I am a Buffalo!

This chat is from October 2006. It seriously could have continued for hours but I had to put him on ignore — he was making me nuts. He’s off the charts looney. I really hope he sought help for his anger management issues since then.

[23:03] righteous_05: h9
[23:03] *** Auto-response sent to righteous_05: In and out — but more out than in. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you on an innie.
[23:03] righteous_05: hi
[23:03] Me: h9
[23:03] righteous_05: how are u
[23:04] Me: busy
[23:04] righteous_05: ohh !
[23:04] righteous_05: with what
[23:04] Me: none of your beeswax
[23:04] righteous_05: whats up ! negga
[23:05] Me: uhm, ok
[23:05] righteous_05: what do u do in ur life
[23:06] Me: annoy people who contact me unsolicited. what do you do?
[23:06] righteous_05: mmm its my off day….
[23:06] righteous_05: thinking 2 do some thing
[23:06] righteous_05: lol
[23:06] Me: wow. good for you. have fun
[23:06] righteous_05: yeap !
[23:06] righteous_05: do u have a job
[23:06] Me: I’m a beekeeper
[23:07] righteous_05: great !
[23:07] righteous_05: do u like that ?
[23:07] Me: only when I’m not being stung
[23:08] righteous_05: nice !
[23:08] righteous_05: u look like a strong girl
[23:08] Me: yeah. I’m going to be in the olympics.
[23:09] righteous_05: are the girl who came on CNN last night ?
[23:09] righteous_05: :-O
[23:09] righteous_05: did u hit 109 men ?
[23:09] Me: excuse me?
[23:09] righteous_05: lol
[23:11] righteous_05: do u love u life
[23:11] Me: of course.
[23:11] righteous_05: cool
[23:11] righteous_05: 🙂
[23:11] righteous_05: i respect that..
[23:11] righteous_05: u said that without thinking
[23:11] righteous_05: which is so positive
[23:11] Me: well, I was sure hoping you would respect me.
[23:11] Me: gee, thanks for that.

[23:12] righteous_05: uw
[23:12] righteous_05: is it urp ic at the profile
[23:12] Me: what is an urp?
[23:12] righteous_05: pic
[23:12] righteous_05: wrongly spelled
[23:12] Me: ah, I see. yes, it’s me.
[23:13] righteous_05: but u dont look like ur 36
[23:13] Me: thanks
[23:13] righteous_05: maybe ur hiding ur age ! hey i am not saying that so u tell me that..for real…
[23:13] righteous_05: are u 36 ?
[23:13] Me: yep
[23:14] righteous_05: 🙂
[23:14] righteous_05: ur pretty girl
[23:14] righteous_05: do u have another pics ?
[23:14] Me: are you hitting on me?
[23:15] righteous_05: hitting what do u mean ..
[23:15] righteous_05: i know hitlar but not hitting
[23:15] righteous_05: lol
[23:15] Me: why do you want more pics of me for?
[23:15] righteous_05: cause i liked u !
[23:15] Me: why? I’m not even being nice.
[23:15] righteous_05: ur strong
[23:15] Me: strong like a bull
[23:16] righteous_05: :-SS
[23:16] righteous_05: dont hit me plz
[23:16] Me: yeah, whatever.
[23:16] righteous_05: lol
[23:18] righteous_05: hey are u still breathing ?
[23:18] righteous_05: lol
[23:18] Me: I think I told you at the beginning of this conversation that I’m busy
[23:18] righteous_05: and i think i told u i have not 2 end this convesation .
[23:19] Me: yeah, ok.
[23:19] Me: do I know you or are you just talking to me because my profile was interesting?

[23:19] righteous_05: the 2nd
[23:19] righteous_05: 1
[23:19] righteous_05: i think so
[23:20] Me: ok
[23:20] righteous_05: can i ask u what are u busy in ?
[23:20] Me: no
[23:20] righteous_05: mmm
[23:20] righteous_05: why ?
[23:21] Me: because it’s none of your business
[23:21] righteous_05: okay..
[23:21] righteous_05: do u think ur the only tought person at this world ?
[23:21] righteous_05: lol
[23:21] righteous_05: i tell u now now now tell me what are u busy at [-(
[23:22] Me: I’m busy trying to get you to stop talking to me so I can work.
[23:22] righteous_05: work
[23:22] righteous_05: u see there is progress
[23:22] righteous_05: what are u working at ?
[23:23] Me: I’m ordering new bees
[23:23] righteous_05: bees u make honey !
[23:24] Me: that’s what beekeepers do
[23:24] righteous_05: yeap !
[23:24] righteous_05: i have a big bee
[23:24] righteous_05: but its so lazy !
[23:24] Me: uhm, ok.
[23:25] righteous_05: am wondering if it has a place ?
[23:25] righteous_05: between ur bees !
[23:25] Me: your bee?
[23:25] righteous_05: yeap
[23:25] Me: oh my god.
[23:25] Me: should I call my husband into the room and ask him?

[23:26] righteous_05: lol
[23:26] righteous_05: no
[23:26] righteous_05: what doese ur name mean
[23:27] Me: It means “Talk like a Pirate” in Swahili
[23:27] righteous_05: Swahili
[23:27] righteous_05: Swahili
[23:27] righteous_05: :-/
[23:27] righteous_05: hey ..
[23:27] righteous_05: where is ur cam !
[23:28] Me: In my ass.
[23:28] righteous_05: coool
[23:28] righteous_05: :))
[23:28] righteous_05: then :-& it
[23:29] righteous_05: then invite me !
[23:29] Me: you want to see my anus?
[23:30] righteous_05: anus didnt u found some thing else !
[23:30] Me: I have no idea what you are even saying.
[23:31] righteous_05: yes
[23:31] righteous_05: i want 2
[23:31] righteous_05: Me: you want to see my anus?
[23:31] Me: well, since my cam is in my ass, I don’t know what else you think you’d see.
[23:32] righteous_05: =))
[23:32] righteous_05: looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[23:33] righteous_05: yeap !
[23:33] righteous_05: no one can guess
[23:34] righteous_05: we would see lot of bees
[23:35] Me: what’s this “WE” of which you speak?
[23:35] Me: there is no “WE”

[23:35] righteous_05: if u say so
[23:36] righteous_05: why do i feel ur a man !
[23:37] Me: because I don’t fall for stupid meaningless flattery?
[23:37] Me: I’m not a man. I’m not gay. I have no interest in talking to you.

[23:37] righteous_05: me 2
[23:38] righteous_05: actually i hate talking 2 u not only interest
[23:38] Me: uhm, ok.
[23:38] righteous_05: actually ur every thing but not a girl
[23:40] Me: no. I’m a woman.
[23:40] righteous_05: prove it
[23:40] Me: oh, Piss off, Sparky. I don’t need to prove shit to you. if you think I’m a man, do me a favor and LEAVE
[23:41] righteous_05: i belive ur a man , and i am not leaving .
[23:41] righteous_05: and i do no fav
[23:41] righteous_05: to any 1
[23:41] righteous_05: do u understand me ?
[23:41] Me: you are so gonna get posted on my blog, dick head.
[23:41] righteous_05: or shall i say it louder
[23:41] Me: wtf? you’re a psycho.
[23:42] righteous_05: wtf ? ur buffle
[23:42] righteous_05: buffalo
[23:42] Me: I’m a buffalo???? are you fucking high?
[23:42] righteous_05: i am done with u i will say the last fucken thing
[23:42] righteous_05: open ur ass and hear !
[23:43] Me: you are such a moron.
[23:46] Me: my ass has been open a while here — when are you going to talk?

[23:46] righteous_05: open it wider
[23:46] Me: you better hurry up and say it. I’m about to close my ass.
[23:46] righteous_05: or use ur pussy its wider
[23:46] Me: oooh. got got me there.
[23:47] Me: ouch.
[23:47] Me: ohnoz.

[23:47] righteous_05: i would put my bee there
[23:47] Me: yeah. I’m sure it probably looks like a bee.
[23:47] righteous_05: its not
[23:48] righteous_05: u would cry
[23:48] Me: I’m sure.
[23:48] righteous_05: u will
[23:48] Me: Oh, WILL I?
[23:48] righteous_05: u cant put 12inch there without crying
[23:49] Me: how the fuck would you know.
[23:49] Me: buffalo have big snatches.

[23:49] righteous_05: hhahaha
[23:49] righteous_05: and snakes has white poison
[23:49] Me: and idiots has my IM box all the damn time.
[23:49] Me: do I have a sign that says “Idiots IM me?”

[23:49] righteous_05: idiots talks to idiots only by the way
[23:50] Me: that makes no sense.
[23:50] righteous_05: it makes but maybe u cant understand that
[23:50] righteous_05: cause ur a woman
[23:50] Me: ok, Zenmaster, I’m going to work now
[23:50] Me: I thought I was a man and a buffalo?
[23:51] Me: you must be smoking crack

[23:51] righteous_05: what did u say ? piece of shit
[23:51] Me: you’re calling me a piece of shit now? ROFLMAO!
[23:51] Me: you are such a charmer.
[23:52] Me: how did this world ever get so blessed to have you on it?

[23:52] righteous_05: so blessed so some 1 will pee at some 1 grave
[23:53] Me: right!
[23:53] righteous_05: so fucken right
[23:53] righteous_05: ur are just holes
[23:53] righteous_05: u have big holes at ur body
[23:54] Me: wow
[23:54] righteous_05: that what ur !
[23:54] Me: you are like a poet!
[23:54] righteous_05: sure specially romance poets ! as these
[23:56] Me: I might just fall in love with your ass
[23:56] righteous_05: 5 holes
[23:56] Me: you have 5 holes in your ass?
[23:56] righteous_05: no
[23:56] righteous_05: thats u
[23:56] Me: wow.
[23:56] Me: ok.
[23:56] Me: is that my pet name now? Miss 5 holes?

[23:57] righteous_05: actually
[23:57] righteous_05: miss 7 holes
[23:57] righteous_05: ears x2 , pussy x1 , boob x2 , mouth x1 , ass x 1
[23:57] Me: I have holes in my boobs?
[23:58] righteous_05: yeap ! but there are smaller than u can see them
[23:58] Me: how old are you anyway, Sparky?
[23:58] righteous_05: old enought so u can call me uncle
[23:58] Me: ooh, that’s so witty
[23:58] righteous_05: wet , wet !
[23:58] righteous_05: are u wet now ?
[23:59] righteous_05: am i talking 222 sweet so u got wet !
[23:59] Me: omg. seriously, how old are you?
[23:59] righteous_05: old enought
[23:59] righteous_05: 5
[23:59] Me: you’re 5?

[23:59] righteous_05: yes’
[00:00] righteous_05: do u see me kidding ?
[00:00] righteous_05: biotch ?
[00:00] Me: I don’t talk to 5 year olds.
[00:01] righteous_05: talk ?
[00:01] righteous_05: do u call all this crap talk ?
[00:01] Me: do you need an anger management class?
[00:02] righteous_05: yes but my dr recomended me to take miss7holes with me cause IT has lot of problems so i can learn how to be a human
[00:02] Me: for a total asshole, you’re pretty funny
[00:03] righteous_05: and i have no asshole
[00:03] righteous_05: remember ur the 1 who has all these
[00:03] Me: you have no asshole?
[00:03] righteous_05: no
[00:03] Me: ha! that would explain why you are full of shit!
[00:03] righteous_05: i thought shit from my dick !
[00:04] righteous_05: wanna a shot ?
[00:04] Me: not really.
[00:04] righteous_05: good 4 u u would have another hole
[00:05] Me: wow. I feel so much smarter from having met you.
[00:05] righteous_05: thats why crazy ppl stay crazy they think are good
[00:05] righteous_05: *there are good
[00:06] Me: you know a lot of crazy people, I take it.
[00:06] Me: roommates in the bin with you?
[00:06] righteous_05: 1- learn how to express what ur saying
[00:06] righteous_05: no ur the 1st 1
[00:07] righteous_05: Me: you know a lot of crazy people, I take it.
[00:07] Me: ok. let me express what I’m saying. You are a loser. You are boring me. I’m about to put you on ignore and post you on my blog. How is that for me expressing myself.
[00:07] righteous_05: i think u feel u lost
[00:07] righteous_05: >:D<
[00:08] Me: yes, I’m lost.
[00:08] Me: lost without you.

[00:09] righteous_05: damn!
[00:09] righteous_05: i thought i will marry u
[00:09] Me: I’m already married
[00:09] righteous_05: in a secret way
[00:09] righteous_05: 😉
[00:10] righteous_05: i will try not to eat onion when we will do that
[00:10] righteous_05: =))
[00:11] Me: what does that MEAN???
[00:11] righteous_05: it means u will not smell bad smells
[00:12] Me: ok… you are a complete psycho. I’m growing bored with you.
[00:12] righteous_05: lool
[00:12] Me: time for the ignore button.
[00:12] Me: bye.

[00:12] *** righteous_05 has been ignored.


[00:16] damination_a_day: hi there
[00:16] *** Auto-response sent to damination_a_day: In and out — but more out than in. Leave a message and I’ll get back to you on an innie.
[00:16] damination_a_day: what is this answering machine ?
[00:17] damination_a_day: okay i have this message for u : a little message which i hope will fuck u slut !
[00:17] damination_a_day: mother fucker ur bitch and slut i can see ur poor , ur used to hear bad words from ur childhood so u became a bitch a perfect bitch , u married a loser u thought ur life will be diffrent but suddenly u begun 2 know ur a bitch from the street so ur just a street girl !!!! i give u hails from ur lord slave : ur lord ! the lord is me…bitch i will cum at ur used tits ! how many men played with ur tits? can u tell me? so ur just some thing to be used …when u got old no body is looking at u…..mother fucker …IgNoReD have a fucken life :-*
[00:17] *** damination_a_day has been ignored.